SEVEN MOUNTAINS OF INFLUENCEAs a Christian School, The Daniel Academy’s goal is to produce young adults who are capable of leading in all areas of societal influence. In 1975, almost seemingly simultaneously, Lauren Cunningham, Dr. Bill Bright and Dr. Francis Schaeffer received instructions from the Lord of how to best impact the culture of our nation so that our nation could return to God. Each was given a list of areas of culture, and each had almost exactly the same list. These areas are: Church, Home and Family, Government & Politics, Technology & Science & Commerce, Arts & Entertainment & Sports, Media, and Education. (ref:
Each man who received this instruction from the Lord believed that Christian influence is necessary to drive out ungodly influences that work counter to God’s Plan as recorded in Scripture. This in no way includes violence or manipulation at any level. |
Why would we at The Daniel Academy embrace such a view? Here are several reasons:
We are instructed by Scripture to go into the world and make disciples, teaching them to observe the teachings of Christ. Jesus said, “Matthew 28:18–19 (NKJV) — 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Jesus commanded those who believe in Him are to make disciples. The Bible sense Lexicon tells us the phrase “make disciples” ( μαθητεύσατε) means to disciple; to initiate or instruct a disciple in the ways or teachings of a specific teacher or leader.” We are to make disciples through instruction or teaching and never through coercion or violence. The Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament (EDNT) infers that this word indicates not just a teacher, as seen with the Greek word, “διδάσκαλος,” but an instructor who has a relationship with the person being discipled. And this word generally refers to a smaller circle of people, such as Jesus with His disciples. So, this is not an army invading a territory and demanding that people bow to their rule.
We believe that most people will not stand behind a pulpit in a church building, yet they have been gifted by God to function in other areas of society. We believe that many who love God are gifted in the area of business, education, technology, government, media, or family and these areas are just as vital as vocations inside of the church. Actually, these are the places within our society where most of the unsaved can be found. So, it makes sense that to make disciples, we must go where the people are who need Christ. By recognizing these areas of importance, it gives a person the freedom to develop the gifts and callings assigned to them by God and not to feel they can only be used in a church setting.
We are called to go. Our calling is the specific area that has been assigned to us by God. Many interpret this to mean we must leave our family and our homeland and go into a foreign country. But this is not necessarily true, and actually in most cases is not what we are asked to do. When we look again at Matthew 29:19, we see the verbal tense of the word “go” indicates an action that is taking place simultaneously with the main action, or in other words, “as we go” we are to make disciples. As we are going about our everyday life, we are to make disciples. This is our calling, regardless of our vocation We work with the Lord’s leading to show us those whose hearts have been touched by God and are ready to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. There is no coercion, but a sense of living life with others and allowing the presence of God within us to influence others for Christ. As we engage in life with people, the Lord will touch their hearts to receive Him. Jesus said that we are the salt and light of the world. (See Matthew 5:13-14) This means that we are to carry the life-giving message of Christ into the world, and we have been called by God to specific places. Some may be called to start a business, while others are called to work for a corporation. Some are called to teach in the local public school while others may be called to teach in a private Christian school. God has a specific place He is calling us to be faithful in and to represent His influence in all we do.
We believe that each area of influence is important in the life of our nation and the world. At The Daniel Academy, we desire to recognize the gifts within each student and to work alongside of the parents to develop those gifts for the service of Christ. This in no way includes any attitudes of superiority, violence, manipulation, or deceit to gain control over people. We believe all people are important to God and that God wants His family restored. We believe that God operates through love, grace, and truth and these are the same attributes we are to use in our work for Him.
We at The Daniel Academy support no other approach of discipleship than through the love and goodness of God for all people.
We at The Daniel Academy support no other approach of discipleship than through the love and goodness of God for all people.